- Feola, V., Gutierrez, A., Jr., Gonzalez, S., & Mahoor, M. (2016). Behavior Change Through Robot-Human Interactions in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis 36th annual convention, September 2016.
- Mohammad H. Mahoor, S. Mohammad Mavadati, Howard Feng, Peyten Sanger, Sophia Silver, Anibal Gutierrez, “Using Robots As Therapeutic Agents to Teach Children with Autism Recognize Facial Expression”, IMFAR 2015: international Meeting For Autism Research.
- S. Niketeghad, A.O. Hebb, J. Nedrud, S. Hanarhan, and M.H. Mahoor, “Human Behavior Coding from Brain LFP Signal”, poster presented at Neuroscience 2013, San Diego, Nov. 2013.
- SM Mavadati, H Feng, S Silver, A Gutierrez, MH Mahoor, “Children-Robot Interaction: Eye Gaze Analysis of Children with Autism during Social Interactions”, poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Atlanta, May 2014.
- H. Feng, A. Gutierrez, and M. H. Mahoor, “Using NAO to Improve Directed Eye Gaze of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders,” presented at the Texas Autism Research Conference, San Marcos, Texas, 2013.
- Huanghao Feng, Anibal Gutierrez, Jun Zhang, and Mohammad H. Mahoor, “Can NAO Robot Improve Eye-Gaze Attention of Children with High Functioning Autism“, IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2013), Philadelphia, USA, September 2013.
- H. Feng, M. Kastner, J. Zhang, A. Gutierrez, S. Hepburn, and M.H. Mahoor “Using Social Robots to Improve Directed Eye Gaze of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”, the 2013 International Meeting for Autism Research, Spain, 2-4 May, 2013.
- Mattson, W.I., Mahoor, M.H., Cadavid, S., Martinez, O.L., Messinger, D.S., & Cohn, J.F., ” Eye Constriction in Positive and Negative Emotional Expressions “. Poster session presented at the International Conference for Infant Studies, Baltimore, MD, 2010.
- Messinger, D., Ibanez, L., Cohn, J., Mahoor, M., Haltigan, JD, Kelley, K., & Baker, J, ” University of Miami Sibling Study Measuring Infant Learning and Emotion “. Presentation to the annual meeting of the NIH/Autism Speaks Baby Sibs Research Consortium, Miami Beach, FL., 2009
- Mahoor, M.H., Messinger, D.S., Ibanez, L.V., Cadavid, S., Cohn, J.F., ” Automated Measurement of Gaze Direction in Infants “, Poster to be presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO., 2009.
- M. H. Mahoor, D. S. Messinger, L. Ibanez, M. Kimijima, Y. Wang, S. Cadavid, and J.F. Cohn, J.F. ” Studying Facial Expressions Using Manifold Learning and Support Vector Machines “, Poster at the IEEE 7th International Conference on Development and Learning, Monterey, California, Aug. 2008.
- Mahoor, M.H., Messinger, D.S., Kimijima M., Brewster R., Kelley, K.M., Cohn, J.F., ” Automatic Measurement of Smile Intensity “,. Poster presented at Marino Autism Research Institute Scientific Symposium, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. April 2008.